
Sea Form Hamburg EOOD conducts minimum 3-4 dry docks every year and a big expertise has been gained in the preparation and execution of the dry dock.

Cost effectiveness requires a proactive project management approach toward the proper time and costs control. This is normally being achieved by the following important procedures:

Employment of the Project Management System;
Advanced dry dock specs preparation which being done in cooperation with crew on board, technical superintendent, technical director;
Advanced order of the required spare parts to have everything available on the spot in due time;
Advanced planning of the new Class/Flag regulations equipment to be installed;
A dedicated Dry Dock Team leading by the experienced Technical Superintendent being on the scene during the whole project and supervised by the Technical Director;
Beforehand consideration of the time, materials and work force required for de-mucking and advanced arrangements to facilitate the process;
Proper assessment of those jobs which are to be done inside the particular dry dock against the possibility to continue that scope of jobs out of dry dock alongside in order to bring direct monetary savings to the Owners and to control time more tightly;
Execution of part of the job by our own repair team including major overhauling of AEs, pumps and other machineries;
Substantial discount system, which our Management has achieved with the main dry docks in PG and particularly with DWD. Important to say that our discounts are being provided to the Owners free of charge as a sign of loyalty.
Proper financial management and transparent Dry-docking financial and technical reports supported by the appropriate documentation.

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